經由使用過與歲月留下痕跡的線索,並視為「我家的見證物」的那雙目睹家中變化的眼睛; 相反的「家庭風景」卻是以物件與場景之間的關係,試著探討物件本體表皮的視覺內涵, 漸漸轉變為家中各處的景色。 「家庭風景」系列初步分成三個階段;各階段以畫面上的構圖與內容討論蘊藏於家中獨特的景色:第一階段的作品主要是以家中習以為常的角落為畫面的小舞台,更與家裡的器皿扮演著「景」與「物」對話的角色,一種喃喃自語與曖昧的狀態呈現出文化共存的氛圍。 第二階段的作品強調「物」與「景」相互共存融入的概念;在「物件」裡展現出場景,顯然變成另一個家中的獨特景色。《雀兒圖》、《鳥兒圖》、《雙魚圖》、《鹿兒圖》以及《虎兒圖》皆是嚮往此概念,將刺繡物件的場景,反覆利用傳統年畫的構圖與色彩,創造新的視覺語言,默默扮演著傳達文化的橋樑。 最後階段作品的概念是以傳統食物切入,反應對生活的理解;透過探討飲食文化深入民族性的味覺習慣,內化成對民族、個體與身份認同的另一種表現方式,藉由食物菜單的概念,個別介紹食物本體的意義與功能。 The idea of “Family View” originates from “The Witnesses of Yow Family”; the latter focuses on the objects of the house.After using them, traces of time are marked and they are considered as the eyes of “The Witnesses of Yow Family”that witness the changes of the house. On the contrary, “Family View” intends to explore the visual connotations of the objects’ skin with the relationship of the objects and the scenario as they would gradually become the scenes of each of the corners in the house.The series of “Family View” is preliminary divided into three stages.In each of them,the unique scenery in the house is being discussed based on the composition and the content on the screen. The works at the first stage are basically the corners of the home, commonly seen, as the little stages of the screen. Together with the utensils, they even play roles with dialogue of “scene” and “objects” in an atmosphere of cultural coexistence with murmur and lovely ambiguity. The works at the second stage emphasizes the concept of mutual merges of “objects” and “scenes”. Scenes are displayed in the “objects” which clearly transform into a unique scenario of another house. “Que Er Tu”, “Niao Er Tu”, “Shuang Yu Tu”, “Ru Er Tu”, and “Hu Er Tu” are longing for this concept. The scenes within the embroidery creates a new visual language by using repeatedly the drawing and colors of traditional New Year painting; they silently become the bridge that conveys culture. The works at the last stage cut in with traditional food, reflecting their understanding of life. Through the exploration of food culture that goes deeper to the ethnic taste habits, it is internalized into another presentation form of the nation, the individual and the identity recognition. With the concept of food menu, the meanings and functions of the food themselves are presented individually. |